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Art Reviews

“Cape Coral resident Alicia Schmidt is a very talented young artist who seems totally committed to the expression of the human experience as being the major statement in her work…” - Gale Bennett, News-Press Art Critic, Fort Myers, FL

“It is this emphasis on composition coupled with a free-wheeling experimentation with color values and intensities that is the hallmark of Ms. Schmidt’s work.” - Gerald Mead, Burchfield Center, Buffalo, NY; Dunkirk Evening Observer

“Honed over decades, that abstract vision is based on a solid foundation of formal study and technical skill. Schmidt’s work reveals a mathematical precision in the placement and shape of the minimalist forms that make up her compositions. Frill and self-indulgence have no place in her art.” - Drew Sterwald, News-Press, Fort Myers, FL.

“Alicia Schmidt paints. Her subjects – always an open and empty paper bag sitting on a chair or table or other furniture – are merely design devices, unimportant except as abstracted vehicles…for her highly sophisticated manipulations of pigment and colors.” - Charles Benbow, St. Petersburg Times Art Critic

“Tony Sisti has imported to his gallery an excellent colorist who has an inborn feel for form and line… The strength of the works is in the visual, physical elements of art – love of paint, color, a tactile sense about objects, joy in manipulating forms. Short on social content, long on eye contact.” - Susan Clark-Buffalo Evening News

“A talented painter who explores many plateaus in paintings of human interest and universal scope without fear.” - Tony Sisti, Sisti Galleries, Buffalo, NY

“The imaginative, well-designed, uncluttered and colorful abstract by Alicia Schmidt immediately captured my attention… They offered me a new look at the artistry of Schmidt. My recommendation: Check out this entire exhibit, but spend most of your time enjoying the work of Schmidt.” - Frank Wagner, The Islander, Sanibel, FL

“The strength in these abstracts lies in their provocative and dangerous compositions that somehow “work,” and in their beautiful and subtle color-schemes. And, above all, in their utter simplicity.” - Gale Bennett, News-Press Art Critic, Fort Myers, FL

“Schmidt’s abstractions are spare, with carefully composed and placed elements. They are readily accessible and easily appreciated, despite the fact they portray no specific definable “objects per se” and, therefore, are open to individual interpretation. In each of her paintings, the specific details of her objects and the range of colors she uses are very limited. Just what’s needed and no more!” - Monty Montgomery, Alliance for the Arts, Fort Myers, FL

“For many years now, one name that always appeared on any serious list of SW Florida’s best artists is that of Cape Coral artist, Alicia Schmidt. Known for her provocative yet highly sophisticated approach to color, and her informed, contemporary approach to the problems of handling space on the 2-dimensional surface, Schmidt’s journey over the years from romantic, highly original figure paintings to large, minimal abstractions dealing with the mystery of space itself, have provided local art lovers with a fascinating and delightful example of how a serious artist matures and grows from painting to painting…Alicia Schmidt has combined her own painterly instincts and passion for nature, with her sophisticated awareness of the trends and developments of the contemporary art world, to produce an exhibition not only good enough for any gallery in New York, but in my opinion, good enough for any museum in the country.” - Gale Bennett, WWCL – 1240 AM Radio, Fort Myers, FL




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